Podcast: Did COP26 Make Real Change?


In November 2021, thousands of people gathered in Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations Climate Summit, known as COP26. Climate scientists, policymakers and global leaders identified COP26 as a watershed moment for humanity – the point beyond which no amount of intervention would reign in rising global temperatures. If we didn’t take action at COP26 then humanity, literally, would be toast.

Te Maia Wiki, a 16-year-old Indigenous environmental activist from northern California, was a delegate at COP26 and set out to answer one fundamental question: did we succeed? In this episode, Te Maia takes us on a journey through the murky haze of climate economics and the inequities of global climate policy created by the affluent West which have severe and damaging consequences for the developing world. Wiki talks to Khadija Shaikh, a student at the University of Connecticut, and Amiteshwar Singh, a climate activist and Chair of the COP26 National Working Group for Students for Global Health, to answer a simple question posed by her seven-year-old sister: will we be okay?

Listen to the podcast now at https://lauraflanders.org/2022/03/cop26-te-maia-wiki/.